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Techniques: Learn how to spin beads onto a single fiber yarn, use plants to naturally-dye fiber, spin Soy Silk, embroider with silk, ply wool and silk to make plain weave fancy.
Fiber Focus: American Jacob Sheep with complete instructions for crocheted slippers.
Projects: The Lilies-of-the Valley shawls, a rigid-heddle loom scarf, Soy Shells Shawlette.
Equipment: Use your handspun on a knitting spool, rigid-heddle loom weaving.
Techniques: Dye with food coloring, spin for slip-stitch crochet, spin cotton on a handspindle.
Fiber Focus: Maine Island sheep.
Projects: A cotton amulet bag, a Sedona spiral vortex bowl, Maine Island eyelet socks, a cotton shirt.
Equipment: Use your combs?organizing fibers to spin, learn how to use a lucet.
FALL 2004
Techniques: Learn how to spin a silk brick; overcome moth misery and repair holes.
Fiber Focus: Hemp; Lincoln Longwool.
Projects: A Bombyx mori silk hat and woven pillow; needlefelted pumpkins; Lord of the Rings handspun cloaks; knitted and fulled boots, clogs, and slippers.
Equipment: Try your hand at needlefelting; weaving with handspun.
Techniques: Long draw! Spin cotton; learn how to make a three-ply cabled yarn for socks.
Fiber Focus: A new fiber–Paco-vicuna.
Projects: Twisted scarves, a sleigh blanket with added handspun accents for warmth, a Paco-vicuna scarf.
Equipment: A look at spinning tools in Siberia.
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