Enjoy all 4 issues of Spin-Off magazine exactly as they were printed in 1997, stuffed full of Peruvian spinning techniques and Anasazi-style spinning.
This issue is overflowing with silk. Rita Buchanan, Nancy Morey, and Celia Quinn all do a quick survey of silk for handspinners. That survey is followed by nine silk projects to knit, crochet, and weave.
Learn about Peruvian spinning tools and techniques, then test what you’ve learned with a Peruvian hat to knit.
Develop your color skills by dyeing fiber.
Check out the results of a fiber exchange.
Read about Charlene Anderson Shea’s adventure with her cat’s paw shawl and see the chart Martha Waterman worked out for the pattern.
Read Bobbie Irwin’s “Ode to Woad.” Meet Edna Blackburn, a woman who lives the pioneer way.
Experiment with fine lace and learn lace fundamentals for handspinners.
Discover the joys of superfine Merino.
Check out box charkhas other readers’ made from the Winter 1996 issue.
Learn how to dye with Saxon green.
Learn how to wash your wool and get it clean enough for a commercial processor.
See the results of a few staff spinning projects — Ann Budd’s knitted vest, Karen Gogela’s knitted scarf, and Linda Ligon’s woven jacket.
Learn who the Anasazi were from Deborah Robson, then learn how to spin and ply Anasazi-style. Muse on whether history would be different if we’d known about Anasazi cotton with Glenna Dean.
Alden Amos teaches you about waxes, polishes, and your spinning wheel’s finish.
Erica Heftmann and Rita Buchanan both address using color with fiber blending.
Discover Irish tapestry weavers in the American Southwest.
Learn the basics of constructing an Orenburg shawl.
Read about a yarn exchange that resulted with a ninety-yarn sweater. Read about and make Sara Lamb’s rebuttal sweater.
Enjoy Jean Parks’ felted “mummy babies.”
Master twist in your spinning with Rita Buchanan. Use the power of twist to make a wool/silk seersucker stole.
Learn about baby stockings in the early eighteenth century and knit your own version.
Check out a profile of spinner and tapestry weaver Sarah Swett. Then hear from Sarah about tapestry weaving and learn how to weave a bag on a box.
See a “Japanese friction spinner” adapted by Peter Teal. Discover the beauty of hybrid sheep.
Alden Amos considers and explains double-treadle spinning wheels.
Crochet an elegant corset cover, a “widget” vest, and discover more projects for your handspun yarn.
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